What are the criteria to choose a security door?

What are the criteria to choose a security door?

What are the criteria to choose a security door?

When it comes to choosing a security door πόρτες ασφαλείαςto put in your home or business you need to keep in mind a number of things. The style and design of your home for example will determine both the door design and the colour of the door.

A wooden door is easy to adjust and paint to the colour you want, but it is not as safe as a steel security door. So first you have to make a decision, you give priority and in order to be objective the emphasis should be on the degree of security that the door will provide.

In the following article we will look at some of the things to consider when choosing the right security door for your space.

Checking security door certifications

The European Union has set the standards for when an armoured door is considered a security door and gives such certifications through audits carried out at European Institutes.

Certification is the result of a two-stage test. The first stage puts pressure on the door and the second attempts to break it in with a specialist.

So when you do market research for security doors, the best thing to do is to ask if the product you like or like has papers that certify its functionality and effectiveness.

Security Door Class Check

When the door has successfully passed the two stages of the test, it can be certified and graded with a specific class number classified from Class 1 to Class 6. The higher the class number, the better the security door – portes asfaleias.

Also, if a door you are offered does not have a grade then it is not a security door but a simple shielded door. It is very important to mark the class next to each door which you would be interested in because it is the criterion by which you can compare the doors to each other and choose the one that best suits your needs.

Checking the lock

As we have mentioned before, to ensure 100% security of our home we need the security door that will be installed in our area to be equipped with the appropriate security lock – κλειδαριές ασφαλείας.

Check the company from which we will buy the security door

It is very important to reach out to a company with good reviews and a very professional character. Because one cannot have all the knowledge of a scientist, it is of the utmost importance to choose to trust people who will guide them properly and not work as predators.

Alfinodoor Security Doors – portes asfaleias Athina – has over 20 years in the field and the reason for its continued growth is the large number of satisfied customers. You see the security of your home is the biggest advertisement for us.

What to look out for when buying a new security lock?

The key to the security of our home is the locks we use. This is an important security issue since an alarm system or security camera cannot deliver the maximum if the locks are vulnerable.

Consider, for example, how easy it is for a burglar to get into a house that has very simple locks or no locks. The thought of a home without locks sounds funny, but a survey in the US showed that new homeowners do not issue new keys or change locks.

Given how cheap it is to create new keys, it is not unlikely that your home keys will be in the hands of people you may not want such as your former landlord.

This thought alone has led us to gather some new information about the purchase of new security locks.

Reissue keys vs new locks

The first thing to consider is whether our locks are necessary. If your existing locks cover you, it may be better to make new keys or replace existing locks with some completely new ones. The cost varies depending on the complexity of the locks.

Smart locks vs traditional locks

Initially, smart locks sound like something impressive and safe as you will never be out of your house if you have your cellphone with you or remember your password. Is not that right; And yet, that is not the case. Smart locks should tell you that they are susceptible to hacker attacks or problems with their software.

Both of these are problems that do not apply with traditional locks. Recently a smart locksmith company has been able to breach its own smart locks because of a bug that came after an update to the software.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that smart locks don’t have their advantages, such as being able to access the house thousands of miles away, without hiding the keys under the mat. Overall, smart locks are easier to breach through their software than a traditional lock, since one does not need to be at the door to do the breach.

In closing, the lock as we said above is a vital point for the safety of your home and your family. Take the time to find the lock that fits your needs and is the best solution for you.

Which are the 7 best security locks?

Security locks are what you are looking for if you want to invest in the safety of your loved ones as well as your personal and professional space.

Alfino Door Security Door Experts advise us to follow burglars’ logical thinking so that we can best protect ourselves. So if we were burglared and wanted to break into a room, the starting point would be to break the lock. Why hang on the balconies when the door opens with the simple passage of a card?

To facilitate your search we have prepared a list of the 7 best security locks on the market.

1.CISA Security Locks

The CISA security locks feature an internal safety cylinder made of stainless steel but also a double safety net that is also protected by the lock itself. CISA has a wide range of locks that cover all levels of security and meet your every need.

2. DIERRE security locks

The DIERRE safety locks also feature a steel defender with rotating anti-burglary function. It will come in handy with a security card and 5 keys. This lock is the perfect addition to the same company security doors.

3. POTENT security locks

POTENT security locks are the product of one of the oldest factories in safety locks. The company’s many years of experience and profound know-how are a guarantee of quality and efficiency for their products.

4. ISEO security locks

The ISEO security locks feature internal anti-burglary protection that prevents any effort to puncture or break on the armored doors.

5. MOTTURA safety locks

MOTTURA security locks are one of the best examples of a new generation of locks that automatically block the unlocking process in any attempt to break them.

6. SECUREMME security locks

SECUREMM security locks are another reliable solution if you want to make sure you make a safe investment in your home. They also feature an inner cylinder with anti-burglary protection.

7. TESIO security locks

Another reliable and guaranteed solution for the security of your space is the TESIO security locks. The highest quality certification in these locks is the 50 years of operation of their construction company.

Simply, putting a security door is the best solution for a family’s safety.

See more about security door: